As a writer, I write regularly about things I like using such as stumbleupon, myspace, onlywire and other writing tools. Today I wanted to mention
If you look down the side of my blog, you'll see a few faces, those are some of my recent visitors. When I go visiting the blogosphere, anyone who has a mybloglog account can see my face on their blog as well. This is a great tool. There's a paid version with extra bells & whistles but at the moment, I'm using the freebie.
Mybloglog helps me to:
-see who's visiting my site
-find other blogs to read
-allows dialogue with other bloggers privately
-can be used like a guestbook
-let people look at all my registered blogs (that I list) from one spot
-allows me to leave a breadcrumb trail to help others find me
and more..
I can honestly say that this has been most helpful for attracting visitors here that I might not otherwise have. This is still a relatively new blog for me and yet I'm getting lots of traffic and I get to see where some of my traffic comes from. By using it like social networking and by visiting other blogs, I leave people my fingerprint and if they're so inclined, they can quickly stop my blog and see what I'm about. They can also look at my profile which shows a snapshot of my other blogs and provides contact information, etc.
Members can leave messages publicly and privately and find like-minded community members and see what they are reading/writing/enjoying.
Cool tool!
I get traffic from MyBlogLog also, and I've discovered some other great blogs through it.
MyBlogLog has helped me discover lots of other good blogs and is bringing consistent traffic. I plan to add some of my other sites to it. I see that some people have added lenses, hubs and all sorts of sites.
I especially love being able to see who's visited my site. It usually sends me on a voyage of discovery.
Agree - MyBlogLog is a great way to discover new blogs to read, and a great way to get yourself discovered!
I love MyBlogLog, too! Another similar tool is BlogCatalog, though it's a bit smaller. The two of them both have great features!
It amazes me that StumbleUpon is just now gaining popularity among bloggers-- my husband and I found out about it more than a year ago, I believe. It is a great resource!
yes, Julia, I love stumbleupon...not just for the promotion aspect of it but sometimes when I have a bit of the dreaded 'block' I can stumble around for a few minutes and zone out and find my voice again. I've found some great stuff through stumbling!
It's a great way to build links as well and I also enjoy stumbling friends' sites because you get to see what they find interesting.
I like mybloglog alot and only recently even discovered the free stats you can look at. I've seen other blog logging tools too and have resisted the temptation to join another. That could change in a heartbeat though if I find out one of them is particularly wonderful.
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