Sunday, March 25, 2007

Want To Be A Writer? Start Out With A Blog...

Do you want to write for a living?

Try to start by blogging. Blogging is what brought me from wanting to be a writer to getting paid to write and being so busy, I sometimes have to turn away work.
Want to work at home? Not all writers are starving artists.

Blogging helps to release your muse, your mojo, your creativity and connects you to other bloggers who can teach you a whole lot about writing for a living. You can start out as a freelance blogger and work your way to becoming a novelist or copywriter or any other type of writer/author.

Take part in a writer's group, weekly chats with other writers. They will share with you:
-where to get paid to write
-how to become published
-what to avoid when looking for paying work
-how to find the right blogging niche
-how to get paid

Through blogging, I've:
-become published
-met other writers who have shared a lot of useful information
-earned money (yes, blogging has helped me hit payout w/ Google)
-made myself a work at home career as a writer

Start a blog and network with other bloggers and you can become:
-a pro blogger
-a freelance writer
-a working, paid writer

In less than a year I've found my way to being published and have more work than I can handle coming in.

Here are a few of the writers that have helped me:
(Go off & Google these writers and you'll see what I mean)

Sharon Hurley Hall
Suzanne James
Julie-Ann Amos
Debra Ng

Warm Regards,

Dana Prince, Writer
aka: marleymauve


Sharon Hurley Hall said...

Thanks for the mention Dana (I like your name for my blog better than my own).

You're right, blogging is a great tool for writers. It has helped me in all the ways you mention, including getting a steady stream of writing work.


Dana Prince said...
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