Friday, September 21, 2007

The Week In Review

It's been a good week. I have:
-found a new client with interesting projects and good rates
-invoiced a decent amount of my own work
-managed several projects for writers on my team.

The team thing is starting to smooth out, which is great. I'm learning a lot about managing, editing and juggling. I've always een a good juggler and I think I'm hitting a rhythm with a few good writers.

I've had a few hard lessons this week. One was that a writer I admired let me down in a big way. I don't know what the reasons were but it was disheartening and sobering.This almost cost me dearly. Hindsight is 20/20 though and I'll be much more careful in future.

I also found a great article online about firing clients from h, e, double hockey sticks. Have a read: firing the client.

Hope you have a great weekend. Curl up with a good book, do some creative writing and catch a glimpse of some emerging fall colours!


Michele said...

Oh, too bad you had a negative experience with that writer. Take the 20/20 and just be content with the wisdom you've gained from it. That's all we can do really, right?

Be encouraged, a new week will be here soon and that's grounds for a fresh start!

Hope you enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

Your week sounds like mine -- I wrapped a lot of projects last week and sent out a lot of invoices.

I even got early payment on a project that I wasn't expecting.

I'm sorry to hear about your experience with the other writer. It does sound like you've learned from the experience, though.